You need to SHARE your Brand to make an impact.

and how you do that, is actually really important.

Studies have shown people can recall 65% of the visual content they see in comparison to about 10% of written content, almost three days later.

Posts get 37% higher engagement on Facebook if you use a visual.

Blogs/articles with images get 94% more views.

but that doesn't surprise you, does it?

We're living in a virtual, visual world.

I've travelled from that golden syrup of New England to the golden glow of Florida in search of stories just waiting to be told. In 2012 I decided photography was worth more of my time than just the occasional moments. Every person, product, and day has a place in our stories. 

I'm Amy

For 13 years I've been a wife to an amazing husband who has only ever said "Go for it." For 10 years I've been called mom by 5 kiddos. Alongside those titles I get to be boss, biz partner, sister, daughter, friend, adventurer, syrup lover, margarita maker, and storyteller.  

Who I am

I've documented the first kiss, the first dance, growing families and newborn snuggles. I've photographed confetti canons, handmade pottery, t-bone steaks being sliced in two and red wine swirled into a glass. 

What I've done

Along the way my own story evolved. Every day of your life is a new page in a new story and a business is no different. They start, they grow, they change, they end and they can turn into something new and beautiful. 
Whether you are 20 years into your business or opening that door for the first time... you've decided you have something to offer this world. You've decided your story is too good to keep to yourself. I can help you tell that story and help your product shine so your audience can see it exactly as you dreamed it to be.

I can help freeze that moment in time when the hot sizzling steak hits the cool air of your ambient dining room. Mouths will water as the demi glaze shimmers on their Instagram feed. 
I can photograph the joy felt as your handmade goods are being unboxed in living rooms across America. 

A photograph is no longer a still lifeless frame - it is a moment frozen in time to evoke emotion. In such a visual world don't let your platforms fall behind. I'm here to help you add photos to your text, your Pinterest, your Instagram... It all starts with one email. 

But Why Me?

I accept a limited number of clients a year to guarantee priority scheduling and editing for my retainer clients.
For a personalized quote and availability, please send a message via the form below.

Packages range from Monthly Product Photography to VIP Brand Storytelling Sessions (Full day) 



Read some real client stories here!

Oh hey, Looking for portraits?

Head on over this way!

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Whether you're a restaurant owner who wants to showcase your food in the best light possible, a maker who needs professional product photos, or a small business owner who's ready to spruce up their online presence, I can help. Your passion deserves to shine.

Thank you for reaching out! I can't wait to hear more about you and your vision!
I will reply to you within 24 hours. Talk so soon!!

Let's tell your story